Home – Welcome

Feb 09 2015_3843cWelcome to my personal website.

I have created this site as a place to put some of the fruits of my work over the last 50 years in the public domain.  Some colleagues  wanted copies of documents which I have written which are no longer available online, or in print.  So it is a repository of documents, published and unpublished, with a certain amount of commentary.

For 54 years I worked as a teacher, manager, researcher and writer in a range of fields, principally adult education / lifelong learning in all its forms, and later studying the implications of an ageing society. For most of the last 30 years I have been involved in commenting on, and perhaps influencing, public policy in these fields.

I am now retired from paid work, but I remain active in politics, in the Labour Party. I am also a senior editor for East Anglia Bylines, the online citizen journalism site for the East of England, where you can find my most recent writing.   

You can find my thoughts and links to work and documents on each of the main themes by clicking on the menu buttons at the top of the page.  If you want to know where I learned what I know about these issues you can find a short CV, and a list of some books which have influenced me. None of it could have been achieved without the support of friends and colleagues some of whom are listed here,  the influence of my father, John McNair,  my mother, Irene McNair , and the support of my wife Margaret for over 50 years .

I don’t believe that I have infringed anyone’s copyright, but if you think I have, please let me know –  home@stephenmcnair.uk
